Friday, December 12, 2008

17. Is it my imagination, or do some people taste different than others?

In a recent album, David Bowie gives a woman the ultimate sexual compliment: “I like the taste of your flesh.” Yes, different people taste different. The way each person tastes changes during the course of a typical day and month, too, along with the rest of our body chemistry.
This is particularly true of male ejaculate and female lubrication. Diet and general health seem to affect these the most. The semen of vegetarians, for example, is often sweeter and less salty than that of meat eaters.
Taste, of course, is partly a function of smell. This is especially true of warm, damp body areas like the genitals. Don’t be shy about asking your partner to shower or not to shower, whichever you prefer. Keep in mind that a taste (or smell) you dislike isn’t wrong, it’s just not to your liking.

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