Thursday, December 11, 2008

7. What is G spot?

The G spot, named for physician Ernst Grafenberg, is a sensitive area located inside the vagina on the upper wall, an inch or two behind the back of the pubic bone. This area swells when stimulated; in some women, this provides an orgasmic response that feels different from the orgasms they get from clitoral stimulation.
This “ejaculation” is still considered controversial within the medical profession; in deed, the very existence of the G spot is still being debated. The women who enjoy sex this way, how ever, are not questioning its delight.
To experiment with stimulating your or your partner’s G spot, use one or two fingers in a ‘come here’ motion against the inside roof of the vagina about one-third of the way back. To discover what feels best, vary the location and pressure of the touch.

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