Friday, December 12, 2008

19. I hate tickling. Why does my partner keep doing it when we make love even though I say “don’t?”

Tickling can be hostile, controlling thing to do to someone, particularly during sex. Most adults dislike the frustrating, powerless feeling of being tickled. The laughter of someone being tickled is easily misunderstood; it doesn’t express pleasure, but is merely a reflexive response to a peculiar kind of touching.
You have to be clear that it’s your body, which you make the rules, and that this one isn’t negotiable. Then you have to show you’re serious by refusing to continue lovemaking when you’ve been interrupted in this way.
During a nonsexual moment of closeness, ask your partner,” why do you insist on disrupting our sexual experience together, when I’ve clearly asked you not to?” and ask yourself, “why am I in a relationship with someone who repeatedly violates me? Exactly how seriously am I willing to take my own needs?”

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